Museumwoning Tuindorp Vreewijk

Museumwoning Tuindorp Vreewijk

The Museum House in Tuindorp Vreewijk.


Organization Type: Historic house museum
Specialties: History
Founding Year: 2016
Country: Netherlands
City: Rotterdam
Zip code: 3075 HK
Address: Lede 40


The Museum House in Tuindorp Vreewijk is open every Wednesday and every 1st Saturday of the month from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. Admission is free. For more information and to reserve a visit, visit the website of the Museum House.

The house is the former home of the lord Arends. He was born on the Voordonk in 1919 and moved with his parents in 1928 to on the other side of the back path, this home on Lede 40. Even after the death of his parents, he stayed here. In all the years up to his own death in 2008, Mr. Arends had nothing changed about the house. Therefore, almost everything is still in the original state of how it was once delivered. For example, there is no geyser or water heater and therefore no hot water from the tap. If hot water is needed it will have to be boiled. Also, there is no bathroom. There is a sink with cold water on the landing, but real bathing must be done in the tub.

Garden-examples Vreewijk

The design of the garden at the Museum House is based on drawings given to the first residents of the garden village as examples for their piece of land. Many of the plants listed with the designs can now be found in our garden as well (depending on the season).

Vreewijk backyard

The Museum House is managed by the Friends of the Museum House Association. Our purpose:

  • Maintaining the Museum Dwelling Tuindorp Vreewijk
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  • To create and manage a professional neighborhood documentation
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  • Functioning as a knowledge center about the history of Tuindorp Vreewijk
