
Article: Arbeidersparadijs ('Workers' Paradise')

An article in the Dutch glossy magazine MONUMENTAAL pays attention to garden villages and garden cities in the Netherlands, and the upcoming exhibition on them at Museum Het Schip.

A day at the World Garden Cities conference

A day at the World Garden Cities conference, by Housing Europe

From Amsterdam, we left straight for the Overvecht Noord district in Utrecht to explore the legacy of modernist architecture in social housing. Organised by the municipality of Utrecht and Housing Europe, within the scope of our 🇪🇺 Horizon ARV project, this trip brought to the surface the challenges of renovating post-war housing estates.

World Garden Cities Conference 2024: the presentations

At the World Garden Cities Conference 2024, the organizers looked back at 1924 – when the first Garden City Conference was held in Amsterdam – and ahead to 2124: how can green cities provide affordable housing for al?

World Garden Cities Conference: June 6

Day two of the conference will kick off in the EYE Film Museum in Amsterdam in the morning. In the afternoon, excursions will take you to the largest garden city of The Netherlands: Hilversum. 

WGC Conference banner

5-6 June World Garden Cities Conference 1924/2024

From 1924 to 2124: Look back and glimpse ahead

5-6 June 2024, we are celebrating the 100-year anniversary of the 1924 Garden City Conference in Amsterdam. We will look back at the first edition, and glimpse ahead to 2124!

World Garden Cities Conference: June 5

The first day of the conference will take place at Het Ketelhuis in Amsterdam in the morning, followed by excursions in the afternoon to various locations in Amsterdam or Utrecht.

Future Societies Lab: Havenstad and the Garden City Idea

For the third year students from the University of Amsterdam looked at the development of the new Amsterdam district of Havenstad and the way garden city ideas can be incorporated here. They focussed on two specific areas: Coen- & Vlothaven, and Cornelis Douwes.

Visit Brussels garden cities with new maps

ARAU has just published a new series of three exploratory maps to discover – amongst others – the most beautiful garden cities in Brussels.

Sign up for the World Garden Cities newsletter

If you would like to receive more information about World Garden Cities, we recommend you to subscribe to our international newsletter. 

Broadacre vs garden city - Cover

Garden city vs Frank Lloyd Wright's Broadacre City: a comparison

Monica Cirstea, Romanian architect and author of the blog Dreams of an Architect, a few years ago wrote an article comparing the garden city idea with Frank Lloyd Wrights design of Broadacre City.

International Town Planning Conference Amsterdam 1924 (part II report)

In 2024 it will be 100 years since the International Town Planning Conference took place in Amsterdam. The extensive report that was published after the conference can be read online here.

EcoResponsive Environments, article 4: Meshing-in land uses

This fourth article from EcoResponsive Enviroments about re-imagining the Garden City for today’s issues, reaches the stage of meshing land uses in the most positive relationships with the longer-lasting framework of plots developed in the third article.

EcoResponsive Environments, article 3: Meshing-in Plots

In the third article from EcoResponsive Enviroments about re-imagining the Garden City for today’s issues, they continue explaining their complex systems approach of their RIBA competition- winning scheme for expanding the world’s first Garden City at Letchworth in the UK.

World Garden Cities Conference 2024

100 years later: the Garden City Conference returns to Amsterdam & Hilversum

5-7 June 2024 we are celebrating the 100-year anniversary of the 1924 garden cities conference in Amsterdam. We will look back at the first edition, and glimpse ahead to 2124!

Town & Country Planning Journals

Access historical issues of the Town & Country Planning Journals, spanning across an entire century.

Symposium: garden cities for the 21st century

In 2022 the Association régionale des cités-jardins d'Ile-de-France organized the international congress 'Garden cities for the 21st century', which can be viewed online.

Sustainable Dudok?

Monuments need to become more sustainable in the coming years. With social housing that also has monumental status, the challenge can be very great. In Hilversum, three monumental garden suburbs were made sustainable, most of them social housing.

Urban Lab 2023: Havenstad, the Marshalling yard and the garden city

For the second year students from the Urban and Regional Planning Masters of the University of Amsterdam looked at the development of Havenstad, the new city district that is being created to the west and north of Amsterdam.

'Planning across the borders': on the 1924 conference

In the summer of 1924 close to 500 people from 28 different countries visited Amsterdam in order to into immerse themselves in the town planning challenges of their day. The (Dutch) article Plannen over de grenzen heen (Planning across borders) takes a close look at the conference, where special attention was paid to ideas on regional planning.

Shared Ideals: The Garden City and The Amsterdam School

Garden city- and Amsterdam School-enthusiast Esther Kreikamp analyzed similarities between the two movements, apparant at the beginning of the twentieth century. She wrote an excellent article about the shared zeitgeist, ideals and objectives, the cooperative initiatives and the similarities in design.

Read Shared Ideals: The Garden City and The Amsterdam School.

EcoResponsive Environments, article 2: Meshing Natural and Human Networks

In the second article from EcoResponsive Enviroments they will continue explaining their complex systems approach of their RIBA competition-winning entry for the expansion of Letchworth, the world's first garden city.

The series builds up the scheme through interactions between subsystems, starting with those that are longest-lived and progressively meshing-in faster-changing ones. We start by meshing the public space network with the natural infrastructure of water and green systems.

Open PDF: EcoResponsive Environments - Article 2 Meshing Natural and Human Networks 

Omslagfoto Ecoresponsive environments

EcoResponsive Environments, article 1: Introduction Reimagining the 21st century Garden City

This is the first of a series of short articles by EcoResponsive Environments, (Article 1 Introduction) that will explore ways of reimagining the Garden City movement to address the social, economic and environmental issues that face us today. 

The London-based architectural and urban design practice is the winner of the RIBA international competition for the expansion plan of garden city Letchworth. 

Open PDF: EcoResponsive Environments - Article 1 Introduction

Article De Tuinstadgedachte in Heemschut

De Tuinstadgedachte in het tijdschrift van Heemschut

As part of our international project on the Garden City idea, Alice Roegholt, the director of Museum Het Schip in Amsterdam, has written an article for the magazine of heritage association Heemschut. Click on the link below to read it! (Language: Dutch)

Alice Roegholt, De Tuinstadgedachte, Heemschut, de Erfgoedbeschermers, Jaargang 98, nr. 4 December 2021..

Havenstad, A vision for a contemporary World Garden City

Students of the University of Amsterdam researched the development of Havenstad, a new city district in Amsterdam, and wrote a report about their ideas.