World Garden Cities Conference 2024: the presentations

World Garden Cities Conference 2024: the presentations

At the World Garden Cities Conference 2024, the organizers looked back at 1924 – when the first Garden City Conference was held in Amsterdam – and ahead to 2124: how can green cities provide affordable housing for al?

In two days, the guests from all over the world were treated to a total of 20 speakers (under the guidance of two fantastic moderators), a short movie, and a concert. Apart from that, they could also join one of the in total seven excursions to the garden cities in Amsterdam North and Amsterdam West, Utrecht, and Hilversum.

The Presentations

The presentations from the first day at Het Ketelhuis, organised by Museum Het Schip, can be watched in full here!

Introduction by moderator Pepijn Bakker.




Anne-Jo Visser – Director Federation Social Housing Associations Amsterdam
Word of welcome.




Katy Lock – Director – Communities (FJ Osborn Fellow) Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) and board member of the International Federation of Housing Planning (IFHP)
The Garden City movement today and the modern implementation of the Garden City Principles.





Hilde Blank – CEO/partner BVR, office for spatial design, and chair Van Eesteren – Fluck & Van Lohuizen foundation
Back to the future, why garden cities are more relevant than ever.





Charlotte Griffioen – Director and Principal Architect MVSA
The future of Garden Cities: High-rise buildings as vertical forests and parks.




Forum with all the presenters.



Impressions from Day 1


WGC Marcel Westhoff IMG 1129Day 1 kicked of with a conference at Het Ketelhuis.

WGC Marcel Westhoff IMG 1135Coffee break and networking at Het Ketelhuis.

WGC Marcel Westhoff IMG 1148Excursion to the garden settlements of Amsterdam North: the backside of the Zonnehuis.

WGC Marcel Westhoff IMG 1153Visit to the Van Eesteren Museum in Amsterdam-West.

 Schermafbeelding 2024 06 24 om 10.34.30Workshop 'Revitalizing legacy post-war/modernist social housing estates with the community' in Overvecht-Noord organized by the Utrecht municipality and Housing Europe. See more.


Impressions from Day 2


WGC Marcel Westhoff IMG 1160Day 2 kicked of at EYE in Amsterdam.

WGC Marcel Westhoff IMG 1161Speech by Hugo de Jonge, the Minister for Housing and Spatial Planning of the Netherlands.

WGC Marcel Westhoff IMG 1162The playfull presentation of the Interreg Shared-North² project.

WGC Marcel Westhoff IMG 1163Pitching as a way to discuss challenges of the climate crises.

WGC Marcel Westhoff IMG 1166One of the excursions to Hilversum: at one of 'Dudok's green fingers'.

WGC Marcel Westhoff IMG 1168Willem Dudok's pièce de résistance: Hilversum town hall.

WGC Marcel Westhoff IMG 1178Closing remarks with Edwin Göbbels (Alderman of Hilversum) and Bent Madsen (President of Housing Europe).

WGC Marcel Westhoff IMG 1179Concert by composer Tim Kliphuis at MCO, the Broadcasting Music Centre.